“Content is the price of entry for relevance in our society”.
Gary Vaynerchuk said that and he is right whether you like it or not.
An eBook and other content are the 2019 version of a salesman for your business. They will push forward possible clients along the sales funnel.
The sole purpose of eBooks, among other content, is to provide value. To provide complex and complicated information in a simpler format. For example, in the form of an infographic.
This type of content makes digesting complex information much easier.
In case you didn’t understand, it’s one of the most important tools for generating leads in inbound marketing.
Based on my experience. I have observed that nowadays CMOs and marketing heads with half-baked knowledge are getting complacent.
They visit various conferences and read on LinkedIn, or read blogs and watch videos. And everything they see, they compile and try to turn into an ‘original’ piece of content.
Suddenly everyone is making content, so these heads are too!
Jumping into something that’s popular without understanding, has no positive outcome.
Firstly, to create an eBook, an enormous amount of knowledge is required.
As the complex knowledge is to be converted into something that is easy to digest for all. This is impossible to do if you don’t understand the concept through and through.
Secondly, the sample size for any research of this importance needs to be much larger.
Merely 10–20 lines of something you have newly incurred won’t help. To bring in the seriousness and to actually give value knowledge and research has to go a long way.
Thirdly, the sample of people researched upon, have to be aware of the subject matter.
For example, when doing research on a steel plant, one shouldn’t send a Google doc with a multiple-choice questionnaire. But ask for their views on the steel industry. If the inference is misguided then that will lead to making incorrect decisions.
Moreover, to understand the growth of digital marketing, if one randomly sends Google Docs to 200–300 students, instead of Digital Marketers in practice, the study ends up showing the growth to be 900%. It won’t match the real scenario. The information sought shall be wrong and misleading. This method of carrying out research through Google Docs is incorrect.
I have witnessed a 600 Cr company CMO, sending Google docs to the employees of the same company asking for their input on a research topic.
These employees had absolutely no idea about the research topic. You can infer what their answers were like. Their ‘quality’ answers were then compiled into what I call a “Fake Book”. They start an eBook and end up with something that tries too hard to seem relevant and contextual.
As I mentioned before, Modern marketers, just like the rats in the pied piper story are competing to make Fakebooks and always trying to sell.
Their sole objective of compiling an E-book has moved from imparting knowledge to selling and promoting their products.
E-books should be composed for each of the stages of the buyer’s journey, starting from the Awareness Stage, then to the Consideration Stage, and finally the Decision stage thus, pushing readers from one to the other.
None of the present-day marketers follows the same but is busy making the ‘Desperate useless Ebook’.
Whereas on the other hand Hubspot, is the best example of how to compile and share eBooks in the correct manner. Their eBooks are informative and serve the sole purpose of sharing information. They never sell their products or software through eBooks, which in turn earns them respect from the readers and their followers.
Thus the primary objective of an eBook shall always be of sharing knowledge and information.
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